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Hi, I'm Michael.

You might be hearing a lot about a mobile-friendly website being an essential part of any marketing effort. But why?

Lots of reasons! But the main one is that Google is starting to give mobile-friendly sites preferential search rankings. Take Google’s Mobile Friendliness Test to see how you’re doing. 

Did your website pass? A website that doesn’t adjust to fit the visitor’s screen size reflects poorly on your company and its brand. Worse, your company will all but vanish from Google’s mobile search results.

Do you have a few minutes to chat? I can quickly sketch out some ideas to improve your website’s usability and search rankings. You can call me at (281) 630-7822, email me or just choose a day and time that works best for you:

Thank you! I’ll be getting in touch with you shortly.

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Michael Simmons
CEO, Oyster
m (214) 301-5799

Who is Oyster?

We’re a creative shop in Dallas, TX with a specific focus on building mobile-friendly websites. It’s what we do and do well. Simple, purposeful design is essential in today’s business climate. We want to give our customers that advantage.

Why be “mobile-friendly?”

U.S. users now spend the majority of their time consuming digital media within mobile applications and mobile web surfing. Combined with mobile web, mobile usage as a whole accounts for 60% of our digital media consumption. Without a mobile-friendly website you could simply vanish from Google search results on mobile devices.

Remember hearing about Mobilegeddon?

Google recently changed its search-ranking algorithms to give websites that are “mobile-friendly” preferential treatment on smartphones. Sites whose content is more easily viewed and usable on mobile devices will have greater visibility in smartphone search results.